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What does Texas A&M stand for?

Posted on 02/08/2022 04:56 PM
What does Texas A&M stand for? A Google search will tell you the A&M in the school’s name stands for Agricultural and Mechanical, harking back to the early days when we were known as A&M College of Texas. But what does Texas A&M University stand for as an institution of higher learning?

Texas A&M has six Core Values and the Aggie Code of Honor. The Core Values are Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect and Selfless Service — we look for students that embody these principles. During their time at Texas A&M, Aggies come to personify the values and Code of Honor as they become great employees, citizens, leaders and neighbors.


“Excellence stems from a great sense of pride in who we are and what we believe in.”
Former Texas A&M President Dr. Robert Gates

Aggies strive to be the best at what they do, whether that’s participating in undergraduate research in the classroom, competing in SEC athletics on the field/court or by serving in the community.

Texas A&M students have the resources at their disposal to be the best version of themselves. Our faculty, staff, facilities, curricula and expectations are some of the best in the nation. Good enough is never good enough for Aggies.


“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.”
– Zig Ziglar

Aggies do the right thing because it is the right thing, even when no one is watching. They do not look for repayment for simple favors or expect praise for the service of others. Texas A&M instills integrity in its students by challenging them to always do the right thing the right way.

In life, you will always be presented with choices. Making the right decisions is a sign of great character and that you would fit right in at Texas A&M.


The spirit of leadership is instilled in every student — whether they go on to lead in the boardroom or in the backyard — they have the values, the confidence and the experience to lead change in their world.
– Texas A&M leadership

Texas A&M gives students several opportunities to serve in leadership roles. Whether you’re serving as President of one of more than 1,100 student organizations, voting as a Senator for your college or standing out in the classroom, you’ll have an opportunity to grow as a leader.

The world is always in need of leaders and Aggies continue to step up to the plate and deliver.


“Loyalty and respect for tradition is about a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. You're a part of a history of traditions ... of a larger community.”
– Former Executive Vice President and Provost Dr. David Prior

Loyalty means a lot of things: a commitment to upholding a certain set of values, a dedication to a group or organization, the unwillingness to turn your back on people that hold your beliefs, etc.

Each of these definitions fits with Aggies — we’re one of the most loyal fanbases, student bodies and Former Student networks. Between the 12th Man, Aggies Hire Aggies, A&M Clubs and countless other examples, Texas A&M is a prime example of loyalty.


“A&M students embody a refreshing spirit: born of the values of friendliness, caring, support, confidence and a can-do attitude.”
– Former Student

Texas A&M is known as the Happiest College Campus in the United States. You’ll hear it in the enthusiastic “Howdy!” you receive after stepping on campus and see it in the way our students, faculty, staff and Former Students treat the people around them.

That happiness is translated into respect and compassion for our fellow 12th Man. Texas A&M’s traditions are rooted in respect for those that paved the way for our current students. Prospective, current and Former Students are all expected to embody respect as a personal value.

Selfless Service

“A&M encourages volunteerism, encourages being one of a thousand points of light, helping others ... and it comes naturally to Aggies.”
– Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush

Nothing shows Texas A&M’s dedication to service more than The Big Event, an annual community service project in the Bryan/College Station area. Since 1982, thousands of Aggies have gone into their community and taken part in the largest, student-led service project in the United States.

Another example of Selfless Service is from our Former Students, who have pledged more than $15 million in support of Texas A&M. Aggies are expected to always say “Thank you” to those who help them along in their journey and to pass the help on to the next generation.

Aggie Code of Honor

“An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do.”

The Aggie Code of Honor combines several of our Core Values and challenges students to always make the right choice, whether that’s academic integrity or being a good citizen. Aggies are expected to tell the truth, act with honesty, always pay their fair share and hold accountable the people around them that struggle to do so.

While the Core Values are abstract concepts that mean different things to everyone, the Aggie Code of Honor is a simple verse that aims to unify all Texas A&M students, faculty, staff and Former Students toward a high code of ethics.

What does Texas A&M stand for?

Literally, TAMU stands for Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University. But really, Texas A&M stands as a beacon to encourage everyone to strive to be more and do more. Through Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service and accountability, Aggies set an example of great character in their classrooms, workspaces and communities.

Credits: Jasmine Johnson