Guiding Texas Students
A growing number of Texas high school students lack adequate access to information about going to college. Many of them don't believe they can succeed in college or have never considered college a possibility. Without exposure, information and encouragement, many students never pursue college at all.
Advise TX is bridging this gap. We place recent college graduates from all fields of study on high school campuses as near-peer college advisors available to all students but focused on supporting high school seniors.
Students throughout Texas are assigned dedicated Advisors based on their high school. Find your Advisor below to get help on admissions requirements, tuition payment options and other important information.
Dallas/Fort Worth Advisors
Bryan/College Station Advisors
Houston Advisors
Rio Grande Valley Advisors
San Antonio Advisors
About AdviseTX
College Advising Corps (CAC) is the "Teach for America" of college advising. In Texas, partner institutions recruit exceptionally talented recent graduates. Once recruited, Advisors are provided intensive training and ongoing personal and professional development to meet the needs of the students they serve.Advisors are then placed in Texas high schools with a demonstrated need for support. These highly trained, near-peer advisors work full-time and build a culture of pursuing higher education in the high school and help high school students find the best fit for their career aspirations and academic preparation. This includes assistance with ACT, SAT and college application fee waivers, career exploration, college exploration, college application, FAFSA completion and submission and — when college acceptance letters arrive — helping students understand the different financial aid packages they are offered.
The College Advising Corps (CAC) found its start in 2005 by placing 14 recent University of Virginia graduates in rural communities where college-going rates were below the state average. Today, nearly twenty years later, College Advising Corps is working with over 30 colleges and universities in fifteen states, placing hundreds of advisers in under-resourced high schools each year. To date, CAC has helped over 840,000 seniors enroll in college and equally many enlist in military service or become career-ready through job certification.
Advisors are not recruiters for their alma mater and employer. Their mission is to help high school students enroll in the post-secondary option that is the best fit and where they will be most likely to succeed — be it a four-year university, two-year college or technical school.
Advisors learn about colleges and universities across the state and certificate programs and associates degrees available in the geographic regions where they will serve. They visit community colleges in their area soon after assignment to their school. Advisors encourage students to apply to three or more institutions, so they still have multiple options if their first choice does not accept them or offers a financial assistance package that is insufficient to make that institution a viable option.