We make admission decisions on an ongoing basis throughout an admission cycle. Applying early does not guarantee an early decision. Once a decision is released it will be posted in the Applicant Information System.
Top 10%: Students who qualify for Top 10% admission will typically receive a decision within three weeks of completing their admission file.
Students in Holistic Review: All students applying for spring admission will receive a decision by early December. Most students applying for fall admission will receive a decision between January 1 and late March.
Applicants who apply to the College of Engineering and have a complete admission file by the Early Action Deadline of October 15 will receive a communication regarding their admission decision by mid-December. The communication will notify the student of admission or deferral to the January-February decision timeline.
Admissions Decision Appeals
Every applicant who was not admitted through automatic admission criteria to Texas A&M University has had their application file considered through an extensive holistic review that considers both academic and non-academic factors. The review process is very thorough — therefore, it is unusual for an admission decision to be reversed.
For an appeal to have merit, it must bring to light new and compelling academic and/or personal information as well as details pertaining to extenuating circumstances that were not addressed in the original application. The appeals process is not a re-review of an existing applicant file and appeals will not be considered from applicants who are not submitting new information.
Guidelines for Submitting an Appeal:
- You are required to speak with an admissions representative to have your appeal option “enabled.”
- You must submit the appeal by April 1. Appeals from parents/guardians or high school officials will not be accepted.
- Your appeal must be submitted in AIS. Emails or mailed materials will not be accepted.
- Your appeal must present new and compelling information not included in your original application.
- Your appeal should include an explanation of why the new information was not submitted in your original application.
- Your appeal should include supporting documentation.
- You will be notified of your appeal decision in AIS no later than May 1st.
- You may only appeal once and the decision is final.
Basis for an Appeal:
- Grade change — an inaccurate grade was reported on your Self-reported Transcript and Academic Record (STAR) or transcript thus impacting your GPA and class rank
- Medical condition — you failed to report a medical condition, illness or surgery which negatively impacted your academics and/or personal achievements
- Extenuating life circumstance — you failed to report a life-changing circumstance (such as the death of a parent or financial hardship) that negatively impacted your academics and/or personal achievements
Supporting Documentation:
- High school transcript showing grade change
- Documented letter from high school counselor referencing grade change
- Documented evidence from health care provider referencing medical condition, illness or surgery which shows the compelling reason why your academics and/or personal achievements were affected
Information Not Considered:
- Interest in attending Texas A&M
- Grades earned after admission decision or admission deadline
- Test scores received after admission decision or admission deadline
- Recent personal achievements, awards, honors etc.
- Interviews with admission representatives
Who is eligible to submit an appeal?
Any student who has received an admission decision from Texas A&M and can present new and compelling academic and/or personal information, including extenuating circumstances, that were not addressed in the original application.
How do I submit an appeal?
Appeals are submitted in AIS — however, you must first contact an admissions representative at a Prospective Student Center to activate the appeal option. You will be asked to answer a series of questions to qualify your appeal. If you present information that qualifies for an appeal as outlined above, the admissions representative will then enable your appeal. You will be required to submit your appeal along with any supporting documents through AIS. All documents should be submitted at the same time.
What kind of situations can someone appeal?
You may appeal about a variety of things, including significant academic or personal achievements that were not disclosed with the original application. For an appeal to have merit there must be new and compelling information such as a grade change, medical condition or extenuating life circumstance. You are encouraged to submit any supporting information you feel will help the committee make an informed decision.
Can I appeal if I was offered to participate in TEAM, PSA or Engineering options?
You may appeal any admission decision if you meet the criteria to do so — however, since it may take some time for a final decision to be reached, it is not a good idea to put off any required paperwork necessary to participate in TEAM, PSA or Engineering options if these are in any way a possibility you would consider.
I have been admitted to another university. Should I wait for my appeal decision before accepting the other offer?
Since there is no guarantee that your appeal will be granted, it is always a good idea to have a backup plan. Most universities require students to accept their admission offer by May 1.
How long do I have to submit an appeal?
Appeals must be submitted by April 1.
What happens after I submit an appeal?
After submitting your appeal, the committee will consider all new information and make a decision about your request. It’s important to remember that only new information will be considered. The appeals process is not a re-review of an existing file. Once a decision has been made, it is final.
How long will it take to receive a decision?
The time it takes for a decision to be made can vary. In some cases, a decision may be reached within a couple of weeks. In other cases, decisions may involve questions that are more complex and so it may take longer. All students will be notified of a decision no later than May 1. Appeal decisions will be posted in AIS.
Who will make the decision?
All appeals are reviewed by an Admissions Decisions Appeals Committee which is comprised of representatives from Admissions, Financial Aid and the academic colleges. The committee will meet weekly or more often if deemed necessary.
May I speak with someone on the Admissions Appeals Committee?
No, members of the Admissions Appeals Committee are not available to speak with applicants by phone or in person.
Can someone submit an appeal on my behalf?
Appeals will only be accepted from the student, not a parent/guardian, teacher or alumni.
What is the likelihood that my appeal will be granted?
Historically, few admission decisions have been changed through the appeals process. There is no guarantee that any appeal will be approved or that any specific factor will increase the odds for an appeal to be approved. Appeals are considered on a case- by case basis.