Why can't I see all eight system schools on AIS?
Each system school has provided minimum academic qualifications to guarantee admission. Some students may qualify for admission to all system schools while others may qualify for only one.
If I accept the PSA offer, do I have to send anything to the system school(s)?
Your information will be shared with the system school(s) you select on AIS. You are not required to submit another application. Some system schools may require additional items if you decide to attend (i.e., final high school transcript, AP/IB scores, etc.)
What if my major does not participate in PSA (i.e., Business)?
The PSA was designed for students who are interested in a participating major. We never recommend using the PSA to be admitted to TAMU with the intention of switching to the major you really want.
I have a lot of dual credit coursework from high school. Is the PSA right for me?
It depends on the specific classes you have already taken and your intended major at Texas A&M. Before accepting the PSA offer, please visit with an Admissions Counselor in the Aggieland Prospective Student Center by calling 979.458.0950.
What if I already have dual credit for a bolded/italicized course?
Dual credit can be used to satisfy a bolded/italicized course. However, you will still be required to complete at least 24 hours in residence at a single system school by the end of the spring semester of your first year in college.
What if I have AP/IB/CLEP credit for a bolded/italicized course?
Credit by examination cannot be used to satisfy a bolded italicized course. Bolded/italicized courses must be taken for a grade, either at the system school or via dual credit in high school. Credit by examination can be used to satisfy coursework from the lower box on any degree plan. However, those hours will not count toward the 24-hour residence requirement.
Will my dual-credit grades be factored into my GPA?
Yes. The PSA requires you to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (3.25 for Engineering and Architecture) on all transferrable coursework (including dual credit). The PSA also requires you to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (3.25 for Engineering and Architecture) on the coursework you complete from your specific system school. In addition, some degree plans require a grade of B or better in certain courses.
What if the system school doesn’t have my intended major?
The major choice at the system school does not matter. System schools who do not offer your intended major will place you in General Studies to allow you the opportunity to take the required coursework for PSA.
Students can verify course prefixes and numbers at the system school by using the Transfer Course Equivalency page. Simply click "Search by TAMU Course," then select the subject and course number then the college to see equivalencies.